LangChain is a powerful tool that allows you to setup a conversation with your favourite LLMs with ease. If you’re worried about what that LLM is doing with your information, Private AI makes it easy to integrate a privacy layer into your conversation, keeping your sensitive information safe.
Getting Started
If you don’t already have access to the Private AI de-identification service, see our guide on getting setup with AWS or request a free api key.
We’ll be coding this solution with Python. If you don’t have a python environment setup, see the official Python for Beginners guide to get setup quick and easy.
Once your environment is setup, LangChain can be installed with pip:
pip install LangChain
Now the coding can begin. First, a LangChain agent should be added to manage the conversation. This includes creating the object related to the LLM we want to chat with and a memory buffer to store the conversation’s history.
import os
from langchain.agents import AgentType, initialize_agent
from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI
from langchain.memory import ConversationBufferMemory
def main():
# create our llm object
llm = ChatOpenAI(openai_api_key=OPENAI_API_KEY, temperature=0)
# add a memory buffer
history = ConversationBufferMemory(memory_key="chat_history", return_messages=True)
# create a new agent to chat with
agent_chain = initialize_agent([], llm, agent=AgentType.CONVERSATIONAL_REACT_DESCRIPTION, memory=history, verbose=True)
while True:
message = input("Add message to send: ")
if message == "quit":
if __name__ == "__main__":
Add message to send: hey!
> Entering new AgentExecutor chain...
Thought: Do I need to use a tool? No
AI: Hello! How can I assist you today?
> Finished chain.
Now the base conversation flow is created, it’s time to add a privacy layer!
Adding De-identification
NOTE: Make sure to grab Private AI’s client for seamless integration:
pip install privateai_client
Let’s add a Private AI client to the flow and make sure it’s accessible for future de-identification requests.
from privateai_client import PAIClient
from privateai_client import request_objects as rq
def main():
# Initialize the private-ai client
pai_client = PAIClient(url="http://localhost:8080")
# Test the client is responsive
Once a connection to the client is established, text prompts can be de-identified before they are sent to the LLM. The conversation needs an update to add this new feature.
def chat_privately(message: str, agent_chain: AgentExecutor, pai_client: PAIClient):
deid_request = rq.process_text_obj(text=[message])
deid_response = pai_client.process_text(deid_request)
deid_message = deid_response.processed_text[0]
# Send the message
def main():
while True:
message = input("Add message to send: ")
if message == "quit":
chat_privately(message, agent_chain, pai_client, history)
Now the LLM is working with anonymized data!
Add message to send: Hey! My name is Adam and I work at Private AI.
> Entering new AgentExecutor chain...
Thought: Do I need to use a tool? No
AI: Hi [NAME_GIVEN_1], it's nice to meet you! What kind of work do you do at [ORGANIZATION_1]?
> Finished chain.
While this conversation flow works, it isn’t really great for human interpretation. Keeping tabs on who NAME_1 is as the conversation progresses can become tedious.
To solve this, re-identification needs to be added to the conversation flow. By re-identifying the conversation history, the whole conversation (including the new prompt) can be run through de-identification as a single request.
Re-identification needs some extra information to work properly:
- – The conversation history
- – A collection of the entities de-identified so the service can replace them to their original state
A couple extra functions need to be added to handle this.
def get_conversation_history(history: ConversationBufferMemory):
return [row.content for row in history.chat_memory.messages]
def get_entities(processed_entities: List[Dict[str, str]]):
entities = {}
for entity in processed_entities:
for row in entity:
entities[row["processed_text"]] = row["text"]
return entities
Now re-identification can be added! Let’s add a function to handle the request. The de-identification request should move to its own function as well, for readability, and the chat function needs updating so the entity list and conversation history can be managed.
def deidentify_conversation(pai_client: PAIClient, message: str, convo_history: List[str]=[]):
# Add the current message to the conversation history
full_conversation = convo_history + [message]
# Create a process_text_request object
req = rq.process_text_obj(text=full_conversation, link_batch=True)
# Return the response
return pai_client.process_text(req)
def reidentify_conversation(pai_client: PAIClient, convo_history: List[str], entities: Dict[str, str]):
if not convo_history:
return []
# Create a reidentify_text object
formatted_entities = [rq.entity(key, value) for key, value in entities.items()]
req = rq.reidentify_text_obj(convo_history, formatted_entities)
return pai_client.reidentify_text(req).body
def chat_privately(message: str, agent_chain: AgentExecutor, pai_client: PAIClient, history: ConversationBufferMemory, entities:Dict[str,str]):
convo_history = get_conversation_history(deid_history)
original_convo = reidentify_conversation(pai_client, convo_history, entities)
response = deidentify_conversation(pai_client, message, original_convo)
# Grab only the latest message from the deidentified text
deid_message = response.processed_text[-1]
return get_entities(response.entities)
Putting It All Together
Now we have a conversation flow that will de-identify any sensitive information, allowing us to safely pass the conversation history to the LLM! Let’s tie it all together with a nicer output so we can see what the LLM sees, as well as our re-identified version of the conversation:
import os
from typing import Dict, List
from langchain.agents import AgentExecutor, AgentType, initialize_agent
from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI
from langchain.memory import ConversationBufferMemory
from privateai_client import PAIClient
from privateai_client import request_objects as rq
def get_conversation_history(history: ConversationBufferMemory):
return [row.content for row in history.chat_memory.messages]
def get_entities(processed_entities: List[Dict[str, str]]):
entities = {}
for entity in processed_entities:
for row in entity:
entities[row["processed_text"]] = row["text"]
return entities
def deidentify_conversation(pai_client: PAIClient, message: str, convo_history: List[str]=[]):
# Add the current message to the conversation history
full_conversation = convo_history + [message]
# Create a process_text_request object
req = rq.process_text_obj(text=full_conversation, link_batch=True)
# Return the response
return pai_client.process_text(req)
def reidentify_conversation(pai_client: PAIClient, convo_history: List[str], entities: Dict[str, str]):
if not convo_history:
return []
# Create a reidentify_text object
formatted_entities = [rq.entity(key, value) for key, value in entities.items()]
req = rq.reidentify_text_obj(convo_history, formatted_entities)
return pai_client.reidentify_text(req).body
def chat_privately(message: str, agent_chain: AgentExecutor, pai_client: PAIClient, history: ConversationBufferMemory, entities:Dict[str,str]):
convo_history = get_conversation_history(deid_history)
original_convo = reidentify_conversation(pai_client, convo_history, entities)
response = deidentify_conversation(pai_client, message, original_convo)
# Grab only the latest message from the deidentified text
deid_message = response.processed_text[-1]
return get_entities(response.entities)
def main():
# Initialize the private-ai client
pai_client = PAIClient(url="http://localhost:8080")
# Test the client is responsive
# Create a memory buffer for the conversation history
deid_history = ConversationBufferMemory(
memory_key="chat_history", return_messages=True
# Add the llm to converse with
llm = ChatOpenAI(openai_api_key=OPENAI_API_KEY, temperature=0)
# Setup a conversation chain
agent_chain = initialize_agent([], llm, agent=AgentType.CONVERSATIONAL_REACT_DESCRIPTION, memory=deid_history)
entity_list = {}
while True:
# Now start chating away with your llm!
message = input("Add message to send: ")
if message == "quit":
entity_list = chat_privately(
message, agent_chain, pai_client, deid_history, entity_list
# Get the llm's response
history = get_conversation_history(deid_history)
print("--Actual conversation --")
print(f"Human: {history[-2]}")
print(f"AI: {history[-1]}\n")
# Print it in a readable format
print("--Readable conversation --")
print(f"Human: {message}")
f"AI: {reidentify_conversation(pai_client, [history[-1]], entity_list)[0]}\n"
if __name__ == "__main__":
Add message to send: Hey! My name is Adam and I work at Private AI.
--Actual conversation --
Human: Hey! My name is [NAME_GIVEN_1] and I work at [ORGANIZATION_1].
AI: Hi [NAME_GIVEN_1], it's nice to meet you! What kind of work do you do at [ORGANIZATION_1]?
--Readable conversation --
Human: Hey! My name is Adam and I work at Private AI.
AI: Hi Adam, it's nice to meet you! What kind of work do you do at Private AI?
Add message to send: Can you tell me where I work?
--Actual conversation --
Human: Can you tell me where I work?
AI: Of course! You work at [ORGANIZATION_1].
--Readable conversation --
Human: Can you tell me where I work?
AI: Of course! You work at Private AI.
Add message to send: And my name?
--Actual conversation --
Human: And my name?
AI: Your name is [NAME_GIVEN_1].
--Readable conversation --
Human: And my name?
AI: Your name is Adam.
And that’s it! We can rest easy that our sensitive information is hidden, thanks to Private AI.
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